
Digitalized Coach

Aatos Health | CEO | 2018 -

Aatos augments traditional coaching sessions with a digitalized coach. As a product startup CEO, my most important contributions are vision, product and business roadmaps. When possibilities are nearly endless, keeping the North Star on the team's mind is my day-to-day task.

I have done hundreds of customer and user interviews at Aatos context. After several B2B pilots and a white label project, Aatos is nearing product launch. We are Kiuas Start and Terkko Health Accelerator Alumni.

Aatos Team Aatos web page Aatos program view Aatos web app

Cloud Service for Mines

AMS Solutions | COO | 2021-

AMS is a deep tech startup developing a groundbreaking real-time safety solution for the mining industry. After forming an international team with two rock mechanics doctors and raising initial funding, we are currently working on an MVP.

My role includes the business side of things: defining unit economics, target audience, and GTM, as well as guiding the engineering team: product roadmap, prioritization, and making people talk to each other. In addition to these, I communicate with our external stakeholders.

AMS web page AMS webapp AMS device

Real-Time Rock-Stress Monitoring System

Aalto University | Business Developer | 2020-2021

Aalto University REMOS team was developing a real-time rock stress monitoring system for deep mines and took me into a wide-ranging role. This included for example assessing business potential, guiding product development with customer data, as well as a steering group and internal comms.

While our planned product had some initial traction, the sheer scope of the required R&D push forced me to give a pivot recommendation. The project continues currently as a spinoff company, AMS Solutions.

Online Exam Platform

Aalto University | Business Developer | 2019

Aalto University ExamOS team had developed an online exam platform and took me in to assess business potential. While the product was very potential on the surface, after a multitude of customer interviews it came evident that the product was too off from what customers were seeking to purchase.

Person using ExamOS

High Quality Coffee

Kirahvi Coffee Co | Entrepreneur | 2014-2019

At Kirahvi Coffee Co the core of the business was to procure, roast, and sell the highest-quality coffee. I designed the product, improved it with customer feedback, managed the production, procurement, logistics, and sales with the help of a few-person team. Our coffee was featured on a variety of media.

While B2B was our bread and butter (restaurants, offices, cafes), in the B2C space, we developed several campaigns: Coffee bike courier (ordering through the digital channel), coffee bike (to serve coffee drinks), several pop-up cafes, street/festival/market/etc sales events. I build our webstore (several iterations, including digital marketing) and updated our social media channels.

Newspaper article Coffee Box Coffee stand Person Roasting Coffee

AI Based Mental Health Applications

University of Jyväskylä | Corporate Relations | 2019-2020

A project exploring various possibilities to implement AI and data analytics in the mental health context. During the project, we had tens of meetings with key players in the industry for finding common interests between companies and university.

Factors Affecting Specialty Coffee Prices

Master's Thesis

Auctions provide an interesting view into price formation. In some senses laws of supply and demand are in their purest form in the auction marketplaces. Data is most often public, which is convenient for research purposes.

With various quality/feature-related factors, I analyzed the prices of 2105 green coffee lots sold through specialty coffee auctions. For example, growing altitude and variety were significant factors among over dozen other product attributes. Analysis was done as a regression model, with truncated maximum likelihood estimation. The same framework has been applied to analyze price discriminants of various other products.

Regression model Thesis illustration Results Results by country